The past few years have seen people across the U.S. taking their health a little more seriously. We’re slowly moving away from the old label of being a fast food nation. On the flip side as statistics show an excess of 30% in adult obesity rates in certain states, we know we’re still a long way from optimal general public health!

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss

As with the growing health trend, there has also been a rise in people seeking bariatric hypnosis programs as opposed to conventional dieting or weight loss surgery.

The effectiveness of such programs is unquestionable and is clear through the numerous successful cases of people who opted for this therapy. This being said, there is still some confusion about how it works.

How does it Work?

Hypnotherapy is a real science. It helps in addressing parts of our psyche that prevent us from living healthy balanced lives and proceeds to help rectify these. This in conjunction with other guidance makes bariatric hypnosis programs highly effective and reliable.

We’re going to focus on five ways in which hypnotherapy or bariatric hypnosis programs facilitate weight loss over the course of this blog.


Insight and Perspective

We often behave in the way that we behave or do what we do because there are certain subconscious notions that drive us. Being subconscious means they are not in our awareness. Hypnotherapy however brings to light and makes us aware of many such drivers. Realizing why you partake in a certain detrimental behavior is the first step to letting go of said behavior. The insight and perspective we gain is what is built upon in order to achieve the goals we desire.

Appropriate Addressing

Have you ever heard of misdirected anger? When you’re angry at someone but take it out on someone else? Unresolved emotions are similar. When we don’t know where they’re coming from or what they are about, we act in ways that we would not normally.

The insight and perspective provided by hypnotherapy allows us to address many unpleasant emotions appropriately and head on. Some of these emotions and inadequate addressing of them lead to compulsive behaviors like binge eating. Hypnotherapy gives us a chance to address such emotions in an appropriate manner.


The next thing bariatric hypnosis programs equip us to do is recalibrate. Once we identify and address difficult emotions the right way, we may learn to recalibrate. Recalibrating involves replacing an old and unhealthy response with something like overeating when upset, to something healthier like say; painting or running, when feeling sad. Recalibrating helps us create new and healthier ways of dealing with old unpleasant emotions! You don’t get that from a bariatric sleeve surgery, do you?!


Of course a skilled hypnotherapist or practitioner being on board is half the battle won. That being said the other half is you. Hypnotherapy and other forms of psychotherapy require a fair amount of self work and will in order to show results. The more you do this work, the more you will connect with your own competence. This feeling of empowerment will filter through to all aspects of your life. For one thing, it will give you the strength to stick with the lifestyle changes that are beneficial for you!


Believe it or not, a lot of what we experience in our lives is because long ago, as little children, on a subconscious level, we made decisions based on our reality. Some of us might have had early experiences that led us to very deeply decide that we were winners, that we were happy and that things would go well for us. Through our actions we went on to manifest these things.

On a flip side, some of us had childhoods where we might have been traumatized, bullied or lost something dear. Somewhere long ago we decided that we were worthless, not good enough and that things would never go our way. We then proceeded to manifest this through our actions.

What hypnotherapy does is it allows us to reset these drivers from ones conducive to success and happiness as opposed to those conducive to failure and despair. In many ways this can and does alter the trajectory of our lives.

It’s a fact, you only get as good as ‘YOU’ think you deserve!


Hypnotherapy makes us aware of inner dynamics, helps us appropriately address difficult and buried emotions and teaches us healthier coping strategies. It also empowers us to be more in control and helps us direct our lives better. Clearly, there isn’t a more holistic and damage free way to address weight loss!

If you want to know more about bariatric hypnosis programs and how they work, our mentor and director Rena Greenberg is a pioneer and a well-respected name in the field whose methods have enjoyed extensive private and commercial success! Get in touch or check out some of our videos for more information!