Complete Mind, Body Spirit Program For Healthy Living And Delicious Eating

Rewire your mind using just Hypnosis so you can finally lose weight and achieve long lasting results without any harmful habits or unrealistic "Fad Diets"

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

I lost 5 pounds in one week...

“Thank you so much for this great program! I started a little over a week ago and have not only lost 5 lb. but even more importantly, my confidence and energy have skyrocketed. I am getting so much more out of this program than I ever imagined possible!”

Ellie-Bates Chappell

I have lost 9 lbs. in one month...

“I have lost 9 lbs. in one month. I leave things on the plate now, where I didn’t before and I can say no to food at night. it is a great program – I didn’t know weight loss could be this easy!”

Robert Sherman

The Last Stop On Your Weight Loss Journey Is Just Ahead...

Are you ready for a NEW approach to weight loss and exercise that actually works?

This weight-loss approach is quite different from anything you have ever tried.

It is not about willpower, self-control, or even calories...

This is about utilizing the power of your deep inner mind to gain self-awareness and then make long-lasting changes that help you live a healthy lifestyle. 

Never feel hungry as you break your addiction to carbs and sweets, easily, with the #1 Hypnotherapy weight loss program

Wear the outfit that makes you feel confident, sexy, young and beautiful. Get compliments from your friends or coworkers

Don't be embarrassed about your body anymore! Look in the mirror and start loving what you see looking back at you 

Stop fighting to keep your weight off. Be healthy, and move your body with ease, feeling comfortable in your own skin

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

I understand that you already know what to "do" to lose weight

 I'm here to tell you that It is not about ''eat less, move more."

Stopping the weight gain & getting rid of those extra pounds has more to do with your mind than your mouth!

The reason you can't lose weight by going on a diet is that you have specific subconscious mental blocks that are causing your body to want to keep the weight on!

I know that may sound surprising, but it's true...

These mental blocks literally create your weight set point - and no matter how hard you try to lose weight, these subconscious blocks will sabotage your success as soon as you start to see results…

This is why I've developed over the past 30 years an evidence-based program to help you Lose weight with Hypnosis once and for all...

But what is hypnosis and how does it work to lose weight ? 

Can you be hypnotized to lose weight?

The feeling of being hypnotized is not as bizarre as people often think. Yet stage hypnosis and the media portrayal of hypnosis still create unrealistic expectations of people being “controlled in a trance-like state.”

The anticipation of this experience has become deep-rooted in the public’s psyche.

Not surprisingly, when you start a program of hypnotherapy, your expectations may be biased...You may be put off by images of hypnosis that you've seen on television or on stage. Or, you may be afraid that you "Can't be hypnotized" or worry, "Will I be under the hypnotist’s spell” and lose control? 

None of these concerns could be further from the truth.

Hypnosis is a natural state for anyone with average or above average intelligence. You'll  always be in can come up out of hypnosis any time you want.

But, it is so incredibly pleasurable and relaxing, most people prefer to stay in hypnosis as long as they can.  

It's a state of empowerment where you have more control over your life, emotions and your habits.

And we don't need a swinging watch to put you into a hypnotic sleep!

But what I love more than anything is the experience of seeing people come out of a hypnotic state, in awe and bliss, more times that I can remember.

That's because even though hypnosis is nothing like it's depicted on TV, it's super powerful, life-changing and relaxing.

After a recent hypnosis online session, Michelle said to me, in a whisper, "Wow. I have never felt this relaxed in my whole life." What a feeling!

Hypnosis is more of “Natural state of Mind" than people imagine

Hypnosis specifically uses self-directed therapeutic suggestions to ignite the imagination and facilitate the mind-body connection, leading to positive emotional and physical well-being.

The latest research in Neuroscience shows that Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy allows you to finally gain self control of Anxiety, Fear, Bad Habits and Weight Loss.

Hypnotherapy is a tool to unlock human potential through the power of suggestion, and is not a magic formula. It is a science based strategy.

Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based natural treatment for weight loss, which can also be used to treat a variety of other psychological difficulties.

Hypnosis focuses your attention in a way that allow you to receive suggestions that will change unwanted thoughts and behavior.

What normally seems impossible (quitting a substance or behavior that is central to one's existence) can become desirable, attainable and achievable.

Hi, My Name is Rena Greenberg

I wanted to share what I had learned over the past 30 years. As a professional hypnotherapist, I’ve been fortunate enough to help people achieve their ideal weight and transform their lives for the better.

So, I developed a Wellness Seminar program that ended up being reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals.

Over 200,000 people used my program, in hospitals throughout the USA, and the results have been amazing!

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People  Change Their Lives  With No Diet, In 165+ News Stories.

Rena Greenberg

I’ve had the privilege to work with over 200,000 people in 75 medical centers. The success stories of the people I got to work with motivate me to change more lives.

I am the Author of The Right Weigh: Six Steps to Permanent Weight Loss (Hay House Publishing) and Easy Sugar Breakup (formerly The Craving Cure: Break the Hold Carbs and Sweets Have on Your Life published byMcGraw-Hill).

The success of my popular and effective wellness and weight loss program has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine and over 160 newspaper and TV stories.

Today I am here to share with you my secrets to lose weight once and forever with a proven method that I've been developing since 1990.

Just about everyone I have worked with tells me they tried everything and none of it worked.

The real truth is they have only tried one thing over and over again. That one thing is dieting and diets are known not to work. 

If you have tried every possible pill, diet, and exercise equipment to get rid of those extra pounds but feel like it's a losing battle, then keep reading.

No diets will be needed anymore.

Those outdated beliefs about how to lose weight belong out the window.

Instead, this one-of-a-kind program will be setting you up for sustained results…with a unique, proven method to help you get the results you’ve always wanted in the comfort of your own home.

Here’s the truth :

Even if you found the perfect diet out there. Or, if you went ahead and had that bariatric surgery, or found the world’s best trainer to show you how to re-shape your body . . .

No matter what, unless you change the way you think about food subconsciously including sugary, salty, processed and buttery snacks, the weight is always going to come back on.

Changing the way you think about food subconsciously is the only thing that works and that’s why I am passionate about sharing this program that I have spent years researching and developing for you.


Sugar Divorce 1.0

Your complete Weight loss program that will help you to lose weight, eat healthy, divorce sugar and processed carbs and feel good, without feeling deprived or denied, by changing the way you think about yourself and food subconsciously.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control

“Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control to addiction. She is a wonderful resource for personal growth and transformation“


My doctor said I added 10 years to my life...

“My first 6 months using Rena’s Sugar Divorce I lost 70 lbs. My doctor told me I added 10 years to my life. At first I was skeptical, but I thought, why not give it a shot? To date, I’ve lost 107 lb. – I eat completely differently and I have so much more energy – it’s awesome.”


Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control

“Its all here, Rena gives everything anyone needs to know to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.”

Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

These people were once lost, stuck, tried and failed to lose weight or afraid until they DID IT! (see how)

See how Rena Greenberg Health, Wellness and Weight loss expert, rated best hypnotherapist, has helped over 200,000 people lose thousands of pounds, with no diet, in 165+ news stories!

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Sugar Divorce 1.0 Program is Your Last Stop To Lose Weight Once And For All...

Sugar Divorce is a complete mind, body spirit program for healthy living and delicious eating.

In This Program You'll Discover How To : 

Transform the hidden subconscious pictures in your mind that cause you to sabotage yourself so you can lose weight easily and automatically. 

Break free from all obstacles and step into your new slender life and Learn to lose weight by changing your mind’s inner programming.

Use the power and science of your mind and body to move past your internal blocks with a few easy techniques to create a life you will love to live.

 Reframe your beliefs, fundamental habits, and deep emotions in the subconscious mind to make the changes you are longing for.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Take Control Of Your Life & Start Losing Weight With A Proven Powerful Hypnotic Method

The power to change the way you look and feel is inside of you and in this program I am going to show you how you can look in the mirror and like the image that is looking back at you.

I am literally re-training your brain because that’s the only thing that works for permanent weight loss results.

And the best part is it’s fun, relaxing, empowering and peaceful.

On this powerful 6 digital audio set you will learn proven methods and unique tools developed over my 30-year career as a Hypnotherapist. I am proud to say this one-of-a-kind program will be setting you up for sustained results…

 Here Is What You'll Get In This Program :


Intro To The Weigh To Freedom

Free yourself forever from the conflict between consciously wanting to lose weight, while your subconscious mind wants to keep on eating the way it has in the past. You'll learn to harness the power of your deeper mind and heart to finally achieve confidence, happiness and successful weight loss.


Healthy Eating On The Go

You know that you’re supposed to eat healthier foods but it’s so much easier to just grab some greasy or sugary snack on the go. Not any more! You'll discover simple and effective ways to incorporate healthy eating into the busiest lifestyle. You’ll never go back to your old, self-sabotaging ways of eating again.


Connect To Your Power (Heart Centering Hypnosis)

Deep within you is a deeper wisdom that can offer you all that your heart desires - when you connect with it. This heart-centering experience will take you behind any voices of doubt or fear to your greatest source of inspiration, love and freedom. Here the choices you make will naturally lead you to greater happiness and the confidence to change your eating and exercise habits.


Breaking Free From Obstacles To Permanent Weight Loss

No matter what is getting in the way of your success, whether it be addiction to sweets, stress, low self-esteem, fear of failure, emotional eating, no exercise, no time, night bingeing, no support . . . whatever the obstacle, you can overcome it. Learn a powerful hypnotic method for breaking free from any difficulty and connecting with the hidden force inside yourself that can only propel you to succeed.


 Love Your Slender Life (Hypnosis)

 What you imagine, you can achieve. This audio will imprint on your deeper mind and heart new images of yourself at your ideal weight, fitting into your clothes comfortably, confident, happy, enjoying exercise with new eating habits. Open to new, positive possibilities for yourself and naturally step into a more beautiful experience of your life.


Walk That Weight Away! (Walking Affirmation Audio)

Your walking experience will be transformed as you listen to this energizing recording of upbeat music along with powerful, scientifically formulated, life-altering affirmations. The encouraging self-talk will help transform any subconscious blocks about exercise. Once you have removed these subconscious blocks about food, you will be equipped with the tools for your Sugar Divorce.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

These people Were Once Lost, Stuck, Tried and Failed to Lose Weight Or Afraid Until They DID IT! (And Now It’s YOUR Turn!)

Lost almost 30 lbs

“Sugar Divorce is fantastic!! I want to shout it from the roof tops. I have already had three friends use this program. I have lost almost 30 pounds!!”

Cindy. Larson

I stopped binging and night eating completely.

“Since I started using Rena’s audio sessions, I stopped binging and night eating completely. I don’t eat white stuff and no junk food anymore. It’s incredible – I really feel in control. I feel great! Thank you Rena!”

Deniece Gaudineer

I lost 25 lb. in 4 months!

“With Sugar Divorce, I started losing weight immediately because it got me so motivated to eat better, healthier meals and become more active. I didn’t crave carbs like I had before. I’m a believer! I lost 25 pounds in 4 months!”

Tina Iglesias

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Imagine finally overcoming any weight issues you have once and for all.

The Sugar (and processed carb) Divorce gives you a complete process to ensure you’re on the fast track towards achieving your ideal weight.

When you become a Sugar Divorce member today, you’ll have everything you need to help you succeed in the program.

But that’s not all!

My team and I want to make this the easiest, no-brainer decision of your life... so you can sign up today and start losing weight and feel your best right away!

Here are the FREE bonus gifts you’ll receive when you sign up for your program today:

The 11 digital only components of the Sugar Divorce – each of which is powerful by itself – will help you lose weight and feel your best!

All of the components are available as digital files through our private membership website.

Here is what you'll get TODAY :


Sugar Divorce Manual $29 VALUE

The sugar divorce comprehensive e-manual is your go-to guide to lose weight and break the sugar habit, with no diet and no deprivation. You’ll be guided step-by-step on how to lose weight and energize by eating delicious foods that burn fat, in the right combination. Filled with tips and hints to get into the right mind-set to divorce sweetie and lose weight permanently.

Sugar Divorce Manual 1.0


Sugar Divorce Personalized Meal Plans $99 VALUE

Delicious meal plans that are based on science to balance your blood sugar, end cravings and help you lose weight, healthfully.

Sugar Divorce Personalized Meal Plans


Quick & Easy Sugar Divorce Today Guide $ 299 VALUE

This quick guide will give you easy tools and techniques to start your Sugar Divorce immediately. Learn the easy strategies that have helped thousands break free. Get started today with a sound method that works.

Quick & Easy Sugar Divorce Today Guide


Sugar Divorce Coaching Session  $599 VALUE

Experience a powerful coaching session where Rena will guide you to change the way you think about food subconsciously. To make your Sugar Divorce easy, you’ll want to listen to this life-changing session over and over. Master empowering practices and strategies to change your relationship with food and your body forever. 


Sugar Divorce Cognitive Conditioning Session  $479 VALUE

Cleanse your mind with Rena’s powerful self-hypnosis session. In this empowering audio program, you’ll learn how to take control of your life and your eating habits. This is the technique that Rena has used to help over 200,000 people to lose weight and keep it off. Change your subconscious associations and attachments to unhealthy foods, while you reduce stress. Wake up in the morning supercharged and motivated to achieve your goals.


Sugar Divorce Affirmations $279 VALUE

Change your subconscious thoughts effortlessly as you listen to this powerful audio of scientifically formulated positive affirmations over upbeat music. Rena will give you empowering messages to instill optimism and strength on your journey to health and happiness. You’ll find these new, constructive thoughts changing your inner conversation and motivating you to make healthy choices. Your new, positive behaviors will start to feel completely natural.


Fat-Burning Recipes $ 47 VALUE

Over 90 delicious, fat-burning, blood-sugar balancing recipes to energize, revitalize and nourish you, while you drop those extra pounds. Rena’s e-book recipe guide provides easy to follow step by step instructions for preparing clean, healthy food, to make your Sugar Divorce easy. You’ll love eating these easy and innovative meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner plus tasty snacks. 

Fat-Burning Recipes 


Personalized Tools $ 29 VALUE

Stop sabotaging yourself and making the same old weight loss mistakes. Get the tools you need to end unproductive habits such as binge eating, overeating, night eating, snacking and emotional eating.

Personalized Tools


Success Journal  $ 47 VALUE

Keep track of your successes and cheer yourself on with your Sugar Divorce e-journal. Writing your goals down impresses them on your subconscious mind.

Success Journal 


Shopping Lists $ 19 VALUE

Make shopping easy with the Sugar Divorce easy to reference downloadable shopping guide. All the ingredients for each day and each recipe are listed for you, to make shopping quick and simple. easy to display on any tablet or smart phone, or you can even print it out.

Sugar Divorce shopping guide


Sugar Divorce Community PRICELESS!

Join the thousands of people who have used Rena’s weight loss programs to change their lives. At the community forum (on facebook), Rena will be happy to help you personally, by answering any questions you may have, celebrating your success or just cheering you on. Rena is also happy to answer your e-mail questions.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

NY Times Best-Selling Author

Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for.”

Marianne Williamson

NY Times Best-Selling Author

“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”

Dr. Bernie Siegel

#1 New York Times Bestseller, Grain Brain

“Rena’s work is empowering. She provides user-friendly tools to help override primitive desires and facilitate better choices. Her tools will help you redirect your motivations – for the better.”

DR.David Perlmutter

Author of Power of Prayer

“America is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. Rena offers a way out- a natural, sane approach.”

DR.Larry Dossey

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Join over 200,000 people who have already learned the power of hypnosis

See how Rena Greenberg Health, Wellness and Weight loss expert, rated best hypnotherapist for gastric band hypnosis, has helped over 200,000 people lose thousands of pounds, with no diet, in 165+ news stories.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

let's Recap...This is what you'll get with your Sugar Divorce if you Enroll Today
  • Introduction To The Weigh To Freedom (Coaching)
  • Healthy Eating On The Go (Coaching)
  • Connect To Your Power (Heart Centering Hypnosis)
  • Breaking Free From Obstacles To Permanent Weight Loss (Hypnosis)
  • Love Your Slender Life (Hypnosis)
  • Walk That Weight Away! (Walking Affirmation Audio)
But That’s Not All! 

I want to make this the easiest, no-brainer decision of your life... so you can sign up today and start achieving your ideal weight right away!

Here are the free bonus gifts you’ll receive when you enroll for your Sugar Divorce Program today:

  • Sugar Divorce Manual $29 VALUE
  • Sugar Divorce Personalized Meal Plans $99 VALUE
  • Quick & Easy Sugar Divorce Today Guide $79 VALUE
  • Sugar Divorce Coaching Session  $599 VALUE
  • Sugar Divorce Cognitive Conditioning Session $479 VALUE
  • Sugar Divorce Affirmations $279 VALUE
  • Fat-Burning Recipes $47 VALUE
  • Personalized Tools $29 VALUE
  • Success Journal  $29 VALUE
  • Shopping Lists $19 VALUE
  • Powerful Hypnosis session with Rena $450 VALUE
  • Sugar Divorce Community PRICELESS!
  • That’s a total value in excess of $1500

Join Sugar Divorce Program at this Special one-time Price

 Only $299

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People  Change Their Lives  With No Diet, In 165+ News Stories.

Everything you learn from this program can be used over and over again.

I will show you how you can stay in control of your problems and manage your own recovery on a long-term basis and become the weight, shape, and size you want to be without punishing your body and feeling full of guilt, shame, and blame.

You can even help other people do what you have done.

These people Were Once Lost, Stuck, Tried and Failed to Lose Weight Or Afraid and Nervous about Taking this Amazing Step Until They DID IT! (And Now It’s YOUR Turn!)

I'm at my target weight - I feel great...

“ Thanks to Rena’s Sugar Divorce, I am at my target weight. I’ve removed all cakes, donuts, ice cream, candy, chocolate and goodies from my snacks – and I don’t feel deprived at all! I feel great! ”


I lost more than 30 pounds in seven months...

“Rena’s Sugar Divorce has totally changed my life. Not only have I lost more than 30 pounds in seven months, I now exercise every day. I feel confident and my self-esteem is higher than at any time in my life. Thank you Rena Greenberg.”



“Rena’s Sugar Divorce is awesome! I lost 15 lbs. in two months. It seriously works. You just don’t crave the bad foods anymore – Amazing!!!”

Amy. B

My sweet addiction has gone...

“I have lost 12 lbs. It works. My sweet addiction has gone away. I can say no for the first time in my adult life.”

Jane BEClinchy

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

the most Asked Questions !!

Who Is the Sugar Divorce Program For ?

The Sugar Divorce Program is for you If you’ve tried everything including
paleo, keto, raw food, diet pills, vegan, calorie counting, and punishing
and you have been left feeling disappointed and frustrated.

This is for you If you’re fed up with all the weight loss gimmicks, fat loss
tricks, and fad diets, and you’re ready to experience lasting change.

This is for you If you’re really serious about losing weight and keeping it off
with an evidence-based strategy that will help you achieve your dream body
and weight loss goals.

Who Is the Sugar Divorce Program For ?

The Sugar Divorce Program is for you If you’ve tried everything including
paleo, keto, raw food, diet pills, vegan, calorie counting, and punishing
and you have been left feeling disappointed and frustrated.

This is for you If you’re fed up with all the weight loss gimmicks, fat loss
tricks, and fad diets, and you’re ready to experience lasting change.

This is for you If you’re really serious about losing weight and keeping it off
with an evidence-based strategy that will help you achieve your dream body
and weight loss goals.

How Is The Sugar Divorce Different From A Diet?

If you’ve been struggling with your weight for years and years, it’s NOT your fault that you find yourself unable to stick to a diet plan and unable to resist sugar and food when it’s in front of you. It’s not your fault that you are unable to stick to healthy eating in times of stress and overwhelm, and unable to leave food on your plate.

My weight-loss approach is quite different from anything you have ever tried. It is not about willpower, self-control, or even calories. This is about utilizing the power of your deep inner mind in a safe and natural way using Hypnosis as a tool to gain self-awareness and then make long-lasting changes that help you live a healthy lifestyle to easily maintain your ideal weight.

The power in your own mind can over-ride the lure of foods that are harmful to you and the drive to eat too much food, when you learn how to access that power correctly.

Do You Have A Guarantee?

Rena Greenberg, CEO and founder of Easy Willpower, has found that the best way to support you in your desire to transform your life and break through the limitations of the past is to focus on making this program successful for you after you’ve registered.

If you need support, reach out and Rena will help you. If for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied, we do offer a 30 day money back guarantee. 

We want you to take this program as your last stop in your weight loss journey and we know the amazing track record this program has.

It’s worked for thousands, and we absolutely love hearing these success stories and can’t wait to hear yours. 

What If I'm Not Happy With My Sugar Divorce?

Rena and her team do want you to be happy, of course. If you are not happy with the program, after the first week, Rena and her team will work with you, personally, and help you to use the tools in a way that personally benefits you, until you get the results you are deserving and longing for. 

We can give you that guarantee with confidence because we know the amazing success stories that come flooding in.

We can’t wait to hear yours and look forward to supporting you every step along the way.

How Long Will I Have Access To My Sugar Divorce Program?

This is the first and last time that we will give you lifetime access to the program, at this low fee, plus you'll have access to the updates that will be pushed out to the program to keep Sugar divorce 1.0 up to date. 

Join today before we switch to a yearly subscription based program that will have a higher price point than today's DEAL.

Access your program from anywhere with any device.

What Happens After I Join Sugar Divorce ?

Once you complete your purchase, you'll receive an email from Rena Greenberg that includes your unique credentials and a link to our Easywillpower membership site so you can log in and get started right away.

Join over 200,000 people who have already learned the power of hypnosis

Thousands of people have joined the Sugar Divorce program & community to lose weight easily and effortlessly while growing healthier and feeling younger.

This is the fastest and easiest way to help you release subconscious blocks to losing weight and find lasting health, happiness and freedom.

You are one click away from making big positive changes in your life…I want you to experience what it’s like to step into the best version of yourself,  a healthy version whose reflection in the mirror will fill you with joy and confidence...

And best of all? No diets. it all starts when YOU start today. 

With That Said, Here’s What To Do Next: 

Go ahead and click or tap on the yellow button below now to get started.

SEE YOU in the program and be ready to achieve and maintain your ideal weight and life!

Secure Your Spot before enrollment closes and let’s transform your life together.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Sugar Divorce 1.0 silver package


One Time Payment

  • Weigh to Freedom Weight Loss System Healthy Eating On The Go Coaching
  • Connect To Your Power (Hypnosis)
  • Break Free from Obstacles (Hypnosis)
  • Love Your Slender Life (Hypnosis)
  •  Walk That Weight Away (Affirmations)
  • 11 digital bonus gifts (Audio + Pdfs)
  • Powerful Hypnosis Session with Rena (pre-recorded) 
  • Everything on this page is yours

sugar divorce 1.0 Platinum VIP


One Time Payment

  • Everything in Sugar Divorce 1.0 Silver Package plus:
  • (4) FOUR Personalized Private Hypnosis Sessions one-hour long face-to-face  with Rena Greenberg, over Skype or Zoom over a period of Two Months.
  • Personalized Reinforcement Hypnosis Recordings
  • LIVE Healthy Cooking Class 1.5 hrs in the Kitchen with Rena Greenberg (Bonus).