meet rena greenberg...
Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories
Author of Return To Love
“Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for”
Marianne Williamson
Author of Love, Medicine & Miracles
“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”
Bernie Siegel, M.D
I'm rena greenberg
Maybe you saw my story on CBS-TV live or Good Morning America, or maybe you read about me in Women's World Magazine, USA Today, The Tampa Tribune, Detroit News, Miami New Times...
In fact, the success of my new weight loss system has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories...

As seen on :
I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.
I was really sick and BMI was over 25... I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, and be free from any addiction, so I could give myself the best chance to thrive.
This forced me to take a hard look at my life and make some very important changes...
I began to study health... many areas of health...The area that fascinated me the most was the power of The Human Mind...
After nights, months, and years of studying and researching...
I finally figured out the master key to recode your Inner Blocks ... And create the life YOU desire, without the stress that comes when you know you’re making the wrong move.
I’ve had the privilege to work personally with over 200,000 people in 75 medical centers.
The success stories of the people I got to work with motivated me to develop this NEW simple system to change more lives.
Doctors, scientific studies, and leading national magazines hail the awesome effectiveness of this simple formula.
When you learn how to properly utilize the power of your subconscious mind, you can experience more happiness and joy...

For over 25 Years, my method has been reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals as well as being used on-site at over 100 major corporations and fortune 500 corporations and hospitals to help their employees to change their lives...
Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:
HEAR what They are Saying About my Easywillpower programs
see what top popular magazines and newspapers are saying About My Methods
Thousands Of People Have Joined My Programs & Community To Change Their Lives
it's your turn to Reframe your beliefs, fundamental habits and deep emotions in the subconscious mind to make the changes you are longing for.
Quit Smoking
I smoked 3 packs a day for 28 years! I had tried everything to quit--pills, patches, gum--but always failed. Then I came to see Rena for hypnosis. I haven't had a cigarette since. I feel fantastic and better than ever!
I lost more than 30 pounds in seven months...
“Rena’s program has totally changed my life. Not only have I lost more than 30 pounds in seven months, I now exercise every day. I feel confident and my self-esteem is higher than at any time in my life. Thank you Rena Greenberg.”
“Rena’s weight loss hypnosis program is awesome! I lost 15 lbs. in two months. It seriously works. You just don’t crave the bad foods anymore – Amazing!!!”
Amy. B
Gastric Bypass Alternative Hypnosis
“I lost 40 lbs in 3 months with Rena’s gastric bypass hypnosis. I feel fantastic! I never thought I could give up soda and sweets but it was easy. I recommend this program to anyone!”
scott criztzer
Whether that’s in the area of stress, losing weight, relationship or health—it’s about taking your power back so you can be happy and in control of your life and your habits!
These People Were Once Lost, Stuck...
They Tried And Failed Or felt Afraid And Nervous Until They discovered my program (And Now It’s YOUR Turn!)
Rena Greenberg
a Wife, Mother and a life changing Hypnotherapist
Join My Inner Circle and start living with more freedom, confidence and happiness than ever before. I’m so excited to share my secrets that will transform your life forever!