Is it true that Americans are the most overweight people in the world? On my recent trip to Amsterdam, I was struck

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How to Break The Vicious Cycle Of Self-Sabotage? or ​How long would you give a child to learn to walk? As long as

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 How Self-Hypnosis Works? Do you think you can’t be hypnotized? If so, you may be surprised to learn that you are already

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With all the volumes that have been written about how to lose weight and keep it off, and all the varied opinions,

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When we develop and use the amazing power of the mind to imagine, and thereby create our own reality, so-called “bad” habits

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Julie Evans story is a shining example of how the human mind can achieve things particularly when it comes to weight loss

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“You are getting very sleepy.” hypnotherapy has often been portrayed in the movies as a trick that the weak-minded need to be

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“I am really bad at positive thinking (as evidenced by that statement!). Any suggestions for how to turn that around?” asked Parker

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Do you long to live at your ideal weight—healthy, confident, and energetic? How did Kathy Kathy Lose 120 Pounds With Hypnosis? Like so

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