It’s easier than you think to:
Easy WillPower’s Think & Quit is a proven method that will help you beat the odds and QUIT smoking FOREVER - guaranteed!
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories
Most smokers try to quit smoking over and over, but only few succeed.
Tired of the endless nagging that is more like harassment?
Sick of constantly stepping outdoors for a puff?
When was the last time somebody told you that you smelled GOOD?
When was the last time YOU smelled anything? Or honestly tasted food?
How long since you had a whole day cough-free?
Enough about you...
How healthy is your wallet?
Here's the Truth
Most of us would not endure the stigma, health dangers and obscene price tag if quitting was easy...
Habits like smoking are controlled by the subconscious part of your mind...
Your subconscious beliefs and desires are much more powerful than just willpower...
That’s why quitting is so difficult...
No matter how hard you try, your subconscious is battling against you.
This is why I created Think & Quit to help you uncover the true reasons for self-destructive behaviors...
Using and listening to the self-hypnosis session in this program, you'll easily release and resolve the issues that often sabotage the efforts you make to quit smoking.
Think and Quit provides valuable hints and suggestions for creating positive changes in the subconscious part of your mind...
The Think and Quit program includes all the tools you need to be successful...
It's the same tested and proven, motivational self-hypnosis program that has been reviewed and sponsored by over 75 hospitals and used successfully by over 200,000 people.
Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:
For over 25 Years, my method has been reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals as well as being used on-site at over 100 major corporations and fortune 500 corporations and hospitals to help their employees to change their lives...
In the privacy of your own home you can Use the Think & Quit program to :
Learn how to resolve the conflict between the part of you that wants to quit and the part that still wants to smoke.
Tap into the magnificent power of your subconscious mind so you can feel great about being a non-smoker.
Think & Quit will show you how to be completely turned off to cigarettes without weight gain or withdrawal, and without feeling deprived.
Discover how to use self-hypnosis, visualization and positive affirmations to change the way you think about cigarettes permanently and become FREE.
Think and Quit is the motto of my stop smoking hypnosis program...
Designed specifically for individuals who need the right push to overcome this dangerous and addictive habit...
This hypnosis program is based on my work with over 200,000 people at hospital-based seminars across the United States...
Today, you will get all the tools you’ll need to stop smoking.
Easy WillPower’s Think & Quit program is an amazing value ...
It’s a one-time investment that will help you save money and make amazing changes in your life.
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
Here's What Leading Figures Have Said About my unique approach:
NY Times Best-Selling Author
Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for.”
Marianne Williamson, presidential candidate and NYT best-selling author
NY Times Best-Selling Author
“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”
Dr. Bernie Siegel, Best Selling Author
#1 New York Times Bestseller, Grain Brain
“Rena’s work is empowering. She provides user-friendly tools to help override primitive desires and facilitate better choices. Her tools will help you redirect your motivations – for the better.”
DR.David Perlmutter, Best selling author
Author of Power of Prayer
“America is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. Rena offers a way out- a natural, sane approach.”
DR.Larry Dossey, Best selling author
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
kick the habit and learn to love yourself
Smokers are touchy about being hooked on cigarettes. Who can blame them?
Addicted is not a nice word... smokers often express disgust or disappointment in themselves because they feel like slaves to the cigarette habit.
Who wants to live with that?
With my Easy WillPower Think & Quit program you can kick the habit and learn to leave those and all of the other ugly feelings behind.
Smoking causes more people to suffer than just the smoker...
Cigarette smoke puts the health of everyone who inhales it at risk...
Cigarette smoke makes nonsmokers smell like smokers, forcing them to put up with an undeserved stigma. (This is really tough on kids.)
if you can NOT Quit for yourself then quit for the people you love.
Just get Easy WillPower and quit today.
if you really want to stop smoking...
if you really want to stop smoking, Think & Quit gives you the edge you need to succeed.
Easy WillPower Think & Quit works like no other product or program. It turned out that the only thing most of my success stories needed was this program ...
Because It’s natural and if you think you can, then you can.
Here's what you'll get inside the Think and Quit program...
Introduction to Think & Quit
will set you up with the vision to succeed. You'll learn how to Imagine your life without smoking. Focus on that goal or vision and follow the steps to achieving that goal, just by locking on to the big picture.
Think & Quit Hypnosis Session
In this unique session I'll help you overcome your failure-prone inner programming. It’s almost unfair the way Easy WillPower’s unique program stacks the odds of success in your favor.
Think & Quit Affirmations
All you have to do is listen to Rena’s affirmations (listen to a relaxing audio daily) and stay focused on your goal. It’s that easy.
Think & Quit E-book
The Think and Quit book by Rena Greenberg provides valuable hints, tools, techniques, strategies and suggestions for creating positive changes in your life.
Just imagine what becoming a non-smoker will do for your life...You CAN make it happen.
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
See what they Said about my method!
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
It’s all about replacing negative conflicting programming with positive thoughts.
Think & Quit program does this is by introducing NEW images and suggestions into your subconscious while you are relaxed but fully aware.
Here's a little secret I want you to know...
Your Subconscious Is Your Problem...
You’ve tried to quit before right?
Sorry, but your failure was no accident and it's not your fault at all...
We are aware of and can control our conscious thoughts...
but our unconscious thoughts tell us the exact opposite.
The bad news is the subconscious thoughts are more powerful. We are accepting and living by negative programming from the past without realizing that...
The GOOD NEWS is the Think & Quit program resolves conflicts and blocks by getting the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind to work together in harmony, so you can stop smoking for good.
First I will help you create a wonderful new image of you as a fit
healthy non-smoker ...
You choose your new image and you are in complete control during the entire process.
This positive new self-image will make your desire to be a non-smoker stronger than ever...
Second: gentle negative associations with nicotine are introduced into your subconscious to eliminate and reduce your desire for cigarettes, so we can remove your old programming and resolve the subconscious conflicts that keep you in the failure cycle.
It’s EASY and this simple method will change parts of your life that you never thought you could.
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
They did it by following this easy and simple program ...
If you’re someone who is not skeptical and knows there’s another level for you and you’re meant for more but just need help taking the right steps to get there, you’re in the right place.
I would be happy to hear your success story too, and if you want we can share it with the world...
Quit Smoking
I am now smoke-free for 15 years
"Thanks to Rena’s stop smoking hypnosis, I am now smoke-free for 15 years! I feel great, my family is so happy, and I feel that I am aging slower, thanks to being smoke-free!" - Paul R.
Quit Smoking
I smoked 3 packs a day for 28 years...
"I smoked 3 packs a day for 28 years and I had tried everything to quit--pills, patches, gum--but always failed. Then I came to see Rena for hypnosis. I haven't had a cigarette since. I feel fantastic and better than ever!" - Greg S.
Quit Smoking
You cured my addiction completely...
“Hi Rena, Before I found your program I had tried everything to quit. This was my last chance. After over 20 years of smoking, I quit with your program and I will never smoke again. You changed my life.”
Valie Shrzanowski, Palm Harbor, Florida
Quit Smoking
The cigarettes were my best friend...
“Rena’s quit smoking hypnosis has worked for 10 years! It was easy! I had no desire to smoke after the hypnosis. Thank you!” Paula Theodore, Odessa, FL
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
I'm rena greenberg
Maybe you saw my story on CBS-TV live or Good Morning America, or maybe you read about me in Women's World Magazine, The Tampa Tribune, USA Today, Epoch Times, Detroit News, Miami New Times...
In fact, the success of my new weight loss system has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories...

As seen on :
I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.
I was really sick and BMI was over 25... I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, and be free from any addiction, so I could give myself the best chance to thrive.
This forced me to take a hard look at my life and make some very important changes...
I began to study health... many areas of health...The area that fascinated me the most was the power of The Human Mind...
After nights, months, and years of studying and researching...
I finally figured out the master key to recode your inner blocks ... And create the life YOU desire, without the stress that comes when you know you’re making the wrong move.
I’ve had the privilege to work personally with over 200,000 people in 75 medical centers.
The success stories of the people I got to work with motivated me to develop this NEW simple system to change more lives.
Doctors, scientific studies, and leading national magazines hail the awesome effectiveness of this simple formula.
When you learn how to properly utilize the power of your subconscious mind, you can experience more happiness and joy...

For over 25 years, my method has been reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals as well as being used on-site at over 100 major corporations and fortune 500 corporations and hospitals to help their employees to change their lives...
Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
Hope to anyone losing control
“Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control to addiction. She is a wonderful resource for personal growth and transformation.“
Rena Greenberg gives everything anyone needs to know
“Its all here. Rena gives everything anyone needs to know to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.”
Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author
See what they have to say about my approach, and what is possible...!
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
Stop Smoking Forever!
Get my Think & Quit program and Stop Smoking Forever!
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories
My unique method has been featured on over 100 newspaper and TV stories.
Stop Smoking Forever!
Get the Think & Quit program and Stop Smoking Forever!
Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives In 160+ News Stories