Tap into your powerful energy centers to :

Lose Weight Fast. 

Never Gain It Back.

Discover how to tap deeper into the power of your 7 chakras to lose weight, gain empowerment and feel great so you can live your best healthy, happy life at your ideal weight.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

you only get one per lifetime...!

You are given your body as one of the most precious gifts in life. This gift is equipped with everything you might need in your journey from birth to death. In fact, you only get one per lifetime and if you don’t get one, you’re nobody,

Your body is the vehicle in which you live your entire life. It may be full of feelings of shame and self-blame, hopelessness and caught in an unhealthy cycle of negativity or happy and healthy at your ideal body weight , if you keep that vehicle in good repair and balance.

But how can you take care of this vehicle (your body) and keep it in balance so you can reach your desired weight, feel healthier, and stay in shape for life...?

The only way to take care of your vehicle (body) and discover the secret behind losing weight and keeping that excess weight off is by digging a little bit deeper and take a look at the emotional imbalances that are holding you back. The best place to start this journey is with your Chakra system.

What is the Chakra system...?

Everything that exists in the universe has a unique energetic vibration, including the human body. Your chakras are the energy centers that connect your inner and outer worlds and they help you balance the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of your life.

These centers of energy are based on the ancient chakra system and they are the foundation of every aspect of your being, as they map out your journey to fulfillment and enlightenment.

These centers of energy are found in everyone. They receive, transform and distribute your energy throughout the body. This energy determines how you feel, how people respond to you, and literally creates your reality. As such, chakras play an important part in your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Your seven chakras are the blueprint of your body, mind and soul. They shape your key strengths, challenges, and actions at every level: physical, emotional, and spiritual.

The chances are you can’t see your Chakras just like you can’t see electricity, but you know the power of electricity. In the same way, you may not always understand your own power system (I'm going to show you how to understand that).

When one or more of your chakras becomes blocked or unbalanced, it’s likely to have an impact on your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. Each Chakra holds specific resources for your physical and emotional life.  With a simple, safe, effective, and easy healing technique that anyone can learn and practice - anytime, anywhere. you can balance your chakras and live your best healthy, happy life at your ideal weight.

Internal Balance Creates External Results...

Your weight is an expression of your body’s health. You might know that you can lose a few pounds if you cut out calories and jog on the treadmill, but most dieters find the weight comes right back on as soon as this first burst of energy gives way.

Losing weight is as much a mental process as a physical one. When you fall in love with healthy living by building the right kind of relationship with food and exercise, you're laying a strong foundation for the rest of your life. 

As you start respecting and appreciating your body, you'll be more motivated and committed to taking  care of your body in every possible way.

When you're in this state of mind, you're easily doing everything from a place of being kind to yourself rather than trying to force yourself to change. It becomes much easier to effortlessly and effectively stick to your weight loss goals, living as the healthiest, fittest, calmest you.

Changing The Way You Look Starts With the way you think and feel...

Since changing The Way You Look and Living at your ideal weight Starts With The Way You Think And Feel, the first secret to my successful weight loss approach is that diets DO NOT work. There is no need to force yourself to eat a low-fat diet. The reality is, you cannot maintain restrictive eating longterm because it's not an organic way to live a healthy lifestyle.

When you start a new weight loss diet, sign up for the gym, or you begin counting calories, you feel forced into doing something you don’t like, and there’s a real sense of being deprived of the food and comfort you enjoy. 

You don’t have to lose a certain amount of weight to start feeling better about yourself. You can work with your chakras to begin feeling better NOW. When you do, weight loss becomes almost effortless, while not depriving you of the food you love. That's because happiness doesn’t follow weight loss. The truth is that weight loss follows happiness. 

Happiness is dependent on the health of your mind, body, and spirit and these are dependent on the wellness of the energies in your body. When your energy is imbalanced it affects your health. 

So, balancing your chakras is the key to feeling better and chasing away negative emotions. The great news is, the healing steps you'll take today will have long-lasting results- far longer than any gym session or fad diet.

This is why I've create this chakra weight loss program to help you maintain a healthy weight, with a different approach that will help you begin healing your chakras and start making your energy work for you. So you can give up dieting for good. Instead, you'll use advanced scientifically formulated affirmations and self-hypnosis meditation to make a lasting change in the way you look and feel.  Learn a life-changing simple and easy technique to instill new habits that will help you create the beautiful life you deserve.

Are You Ready To Achieve & Keep A Healthy Weight ...?

Are you ready to lose weight and keep it off forever with the safe, sustainable, and most effective (ancient) weight loss approach that I've personally been developing since 1990?

  • Are you tired of struggling with your weight, your health and your body issues?
  • Have you tried every tip, trick, and weight loss plan under the sun without sustainable success?
  • Are you spending your precious time and energy feeling desperate about your weight or your health?
  • Do you you notice recurring patterns in your relationships, work and health that you just don’t know how to break?
  • Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed with everyday challenges of the modern world and you want to feel healthier, more energized, and ready to face life with renewed confidence?

If any of this resonates with you – this program will give you powerful mind & body techniques and tools that will  transform your life in a holistic way..


Chakra Meditation 

the right way to lose weight and Never Gain It Back again.

In this program, you’ll get the opportunity to learn, step by step, to tap into the power of your 7 energy centers to lose weight, gain empowerment and feel great so you can live your best life-healthy, happy at your ideal weight.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

in this program you'll discover how to ...

Ignite your willpower to create positive daily habits that move you toward the goals and dreams in your heart.

Take yourself from feeling stuck and lost to having the tools to deal with everything that life throws at you.

Discover how to work with your Chakras on a practical level to enhance your health and wellbeing.

Learn to easily use meditation to support specific imbalances in your energetic body.

Get a deeper understanding of how the health of your energetic body is creating your reality.

Harness the power of your conscious and subconscious mind to lose weight forever.

What Leading Figures Have Said About Rena's program..!

Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control

“Rena Greenberg offers hope to anyone losing control to addiction. She is a wonderful resource for personal growth and transformation.“


Rena Greenberg gives everything anyone needs to know

“Its all here, Rena gives everything anyone needs to know to lose weight and keep it off joyfully and healthfully.”

Dr. Christiane Northrup - NY Times Best-Selling Author

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Here's what you'll learn in the program...

This program has been designed to bring radical shifts to every level of your life. Increase your self-awareness and knowledge of the deep blocks that are stopping you from living a fulfilling life.

Find your Inner Motivation

Get Ready and set your intention for a fit mind and healthy body so you can understand the deeper relationship between your chakras and your mental, physical and emotional state.

Week 01

Building Your Base for Success

Just like a building, making sure that your chakras have a firm foundation-with a balanced root chakra-is crucial to feeling confident in your ability to withstand challenges.

Week 02

Live With Inner Balance

When your Sacral chakra is out of balance, it will lead you to feelings of fear, overwhelm, depression, emotional instability, loss of creativity, addictive behaviors and low sexual energy.

Week 03

Strengthening Your Core

If your solar plexus chakra is blocked, you will feel overwhelming shame and self-doubt. I'm going to show you how to open your chakras and become free to express your true self.

Week 04

Opening Your Heart

Discover how to influence your ability to give and receive love-from others and yourself. When your heart Chakra is open and unblocked, you can experience deep compassion and empathy.

Week 05

Release Constriction

Go deep within and enhance your ability to communicate your personal power with others. Share your unique message with the world authentically and truthfully while reaching your goals.

Week 06

Awaken Your Intuitive Knowing

Learn how to expand your ability to see the big picture and connect to intuition. Go

beyond the surface level so you can develop the best eating style without dieting and deprivation.

Week 07

Connect to Your Divine Nature

Explore the spiritual aspects of  health through the lens of your seventh chakra. Strengthen your inner sense of freedom to live at your ideal weight & exude mental, physical and emotional health.

Week 08

Putting it all Together

Get your trusted roadmap to  review your life and introduce meaningful changes in your Chakra System for Permanent Weight Loss and sustained happiness.

Week 09

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

What My Clients Are Saying...!

I found a lot of peace of mind

There are so many different programs – it’s hard to know which one to choose, but I felt called to yours. Your lessons, week after week, inspired me and spoke to my heart and soul. Living it one day at a time, trusting, believing, having faith in life, being grateful, I still continue my journey. 

I have lost 30 pounds. I give myself the gift of time, eat smaller portions, drink my water and Slender Cider and get 5 to 15 minutes of daily exercise.

I am still learning with my Food Map and it’s getting more natural. I found a lot of peace of mind with your Chakra Meditation Course, which I took next. Thank you, Rena!”

Louise Mignault - Canada

Louise Mignault - Canada

“I can’t believe the change in me”

“I’ve noticed that since I’ve been using Rena’s Weight Loss Chakra Course that I’m choosing to have small amounts of fruit for “dessert” (sweet bite after meal) versus the cakes / brownies I used to strongly desire. And I’m buying less junk food when I grocery shop, like it’s just not really crossing my mind.

This is all great progress for me and I can’t WAIT to be completely free of my sugar addiction! I’m so excited to be starting the Sugar Divorce program next. Thanks for putting your products out into the world”

Hima R. - New York

 I would have found it difficult to make these life changes without your online programs

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Chakra course, and how helpful the worksheets were. Every day after the audio meditation, I would read what I had written and add to it.

I now have a very nice document I can refer to whenever I start to slip onto a different path. I love that we get a worksheet every week.

I really love your programs, and am committed to embracing a new lifestyle.

I would have found it difficult to make these life changes without your online programs, and I am so grateful for all your support.

 I just started week 9 of the Chakra meditation course, what a great experience! I knew almost nothing about Chakras before this course began, so have really enjoyed the course.

Susi Seiler - Florida

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 


I'm Rena Greenberg

I also struggled with my weight and with my health, just like you. my eating habits were so bad and my health was in such poor shape, that by the age of 26, I was literally facing death.

My heart was beating at only 30 beats per minute, In fact, the Chief of Cardiology at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital told me that I had the heart of an 80-year-old. I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.

This forced me to take a hard look at my life and to make some very important changes. I was really sick. I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, free from any addiction, and give myself the best chance to thrive.

I finally figured out What we need to Do...

So, I began to study many areas of health. The area of health that fascinated me the most was the power of the mind.

I finally figured out that we need to change what’s in our mind, not what’s on our plate. When you change your thinking, your behavior naturally changes and then your life will change.

Because consciously you already know how to lose weight. Right? You know you need to eat less, choose healthier foods and exercise more, but the issue is, how do you get motivated to do that without feeling deprived?

it's time to go deeper...

Most people try to lose weight with the worst state of mind possible, and the golden rule that I want you to know is that a healthy mind Leads to a healthy body”.

Your mind definitely needs to be considered as a foundational pillar of every weight loss program, in addition to diet, mindful eating, and physical activity. That's because what to eat and how you exercise are only small pieces of the big puzzle.

 Just as a house falls to the ground without its foundation, your body can become overweight and sick when your mind is not focused on health and happiness! 

This is why i've create this  Chakra program to help you maintain a healthy weight and happy life...

Losing weight is an act of immense courage, commitment, willpower, and a positive health-oriented mindset...

Your body is more than just physical and mental, it’s also an energetic system also known as your chakra system. Successful lasting weight loss involves breaking unproductive, habits and patterns ingrained in your body-mind energetic system.

I am going to share with you my secrets to lose weight once and forever with a proven method that I've been developing since 1990. This unique approach helped over 200.000 of my clients to lose weight and transform their lives all over the world and it's been been featured In Over 70 TV News features.

Over 70 TV News Features...

See How Rena Greenberg Health, Wellness And Weight Loss Expert , Rated Best Hypnotherapist, Has Helped Over 200,000 People Lose Thousands Of Pounds, With No Diet, In 150+ News Stories!

She has been featured in over 70 television news stories and more than 100 newspaper and magazine success stories, including in USA Today, Woman’s World Magazine, The Doctors Show, Good Morning America, ABC-TV Nightline, and on FOX TV, CBS-TV, PBS and NBC-TV News.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

In This Exclusive Online Transformative Program You'll

Develop an inner inspiration that never tires by re-framing the thought patterns that are blocking your success.

Get a full and clear explanation of how blockages in your energy centers can lead to mental, physical, and spiritual discord.

Dive into the roadmap that is built into all of us, to have balance in all aspects of your life including your relationships, health and career.

Activate your energy centers to uncover your spiritual healing potential in a fun, interactive way and flourish as your highest self.

Learn effective methods to unblock, re-energize and balance your chakras to create a new wonderful future.

Explore new healing avenues you didn’t even know existed, with life-changing results at your physical, mental and emotional levels.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

What Leading Figures Have Said About Rena Greenberg

NY Times Best-Selling Author

Rena Greenberg provides the help that many people have been praying for.”

Marianne Williamson, presidential candidate and NYT best-selling author

NY Times Best-Selling Author

“Rena Greenberg’s guidance can help you to nourish the divine child within you in ways that will lighten your mind, body and spirit”

Dr. Bernie Siegel, Best Selling Author

#1 New York Times Bestseller, Grain Brain

“Rena’s work is empowering. She provides user-friendly tools to help override primitive desires and facilitate better choices. Her tools will help you redirect your motivations – for the better.”

DR.David Perlmutter, Best selling author

Author of Power of Prayer

“America is suffering from an epidemic of obesity. Rena offers a way out- a natural, sane approach.”

DR.Larry Dossey, Best selling author

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Who is this Program for...?

Just a word of warning: This Chakra Program is not for everyone, but if you are the right fit, with the right mindset, this program will make a radical change in your life extremely quickly.

this Program is not for you if you...

This course is not for individuals who are closed-minded, or who are not yet ready to take responsibility for developing self-mastery and inner healing abilities.

This is not ideal for you if you're not excited about gaining the mental, physical & emotional benefits of Chakra clearing, balancing and healing.

This is not for you if you are someone who wants a transformational experience without engaging. You will be given assignments and practices to do in between trainings. If you do nothing but show up, you will see no results. 

This is not for you if you're not ready to step into something new. This program requires your attention. To be able to utilize and gain the benefits from the information you will receive, you must be willing to show up for yourself and follow the (easy) steps to get the results you long for.  

this Program is for you if you...

This is for you if you’re willing to take action to rapidly lose weight in a healthy way while increasing your motivation for achieving your ideal body.

This is for you if you’re looking for new easy, effective healing tools. This course will give you powerful mind & body techniques so you can start transforming your life in a holistic way.

This is for you if you don't want your life left to chance and you want to understand your body’s natural energy and how to connect your mind and your body for powerful weight loss results.

This is for you if you want to take action and use the practical steps you will be shown to strengthen and heal each of your chakras, so you can unlock new, transformative aspects to your life.

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is The Chakra Meditation  Different ?

This program acts like a back door to your subconscious mind. It allows you to make positive mental changes, modify behaviors, and fortify your motivation to reach your ideal happy life.

How Much Time Do I Need To Commit Per Day?

You don't have to put in endless hours of work each day. Even just setting aside 30 minutes per day is enough to watch the videos and listen to the audios.

I want you to take your time, to implement as you learn, to watch and listen as many times as you need! So over 9 weeks you'll get access to each week's content that you can use over and over again as you continue to shed pounds.

How Quickly Can I Expect To See Changes In My Life?

Even though permanent, lasting weight loss takes time, many of our participants report that they start drinking more water, feeling more energetic, wanting to exercise, leaving food on the plate, saying no to alcohol or cookies, and noticing all kinds of positive changes, such as feeling calmer and more confident, right away. 

Everyone is unique.  These changes may be immediate, or they may take weeks to become noticeable.

Do I Need To Know Anything About The Chakras Beforehand?

No. This program is designed to give you a full and clear explanation on how each chakra impacts your body, mind, and emotions. By understanding the psychological and physiological implications of the chakras, you can develop a solid foundation moving forward in the course, to achieve your goals.

How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?

You will get Lifetime access to the course materials (plus all upgrades) including pdf, audio and video lessons. PDF materials are granted to you for life – all you need to do is download them to your computer -phone.

Do You Have A Guarantee?

I want you to take this program as your last stop in your weight loss journey. I know the amazing track record this program has. It’s worked for thousands, and I absolutely love hearing the success stories.

I want you to be happy and successful. Please use the program for at least 30 days and if you are not delighted with the content, just email us and we will refund you 100%.

In this program, you’ll get

The opportunity to learn, step by step, to tap into the power of your 7 energy centers to lose weight, gain empowerment, and feel great so you can live your best life—healthy, happy at your ideal weight.

Enroll Today & get access to :
  • 9 weeks of video trainings from Rena Greenberg, with step by step instructions to work with each of your life affirming 7 chakras to slim down and reach your ideal self($1,000.00 value)
  • Each week you’ll have a lesson filled with exercises, inspiration and secrets to release old, unwanted patterns and create the life you truly desire. ($400.00 value)
    You’ll get a worksheet each week with a powerful exercise to take you to the next level of permanent weight loss and living a happy life. ($200.00 value)
  • You’ll get 9 powerful guided audio chakra meditations with bi-neural beats to help you go deeper into your subconscious mind for personal change (with Rena). ($999.00 value)
  • Vibrant Online Community with Rena ready to help you along this path (Priceless)
  • Personal Help and Support Via Facebook and email.  (Priceless)

That’s a total value $3,798.00

 Join The Chakra program now to lose weight and Never Gain It Back again at this Special Price

Today Only $397

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 

Imagine you’re offered a roadmap…and on this roadmap are precise directions pointing you towards your greatest life, living at your healthiest weight. 

Not only that, but this roadmap also gives you the key to unlocking your true personal power

And even shows you exactly how to rise above the obstacles holding you back from greater wealth, health, purpose, and love.

If such a roadmap existed, would you choose to use it? if your answer is YES and If this sounds like a worthy goal, then I'd like to invite you join me and ENROLL TODAY.

See you inside the program.

Rena Greenberg

Rena Greenberg Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 160+ News Stories 
