4.8 Based On 1790 Reviews

Speed Up Your Weight Loss Results And Reduce Cravings.

Slender Cider is an herbal weight loss, energy, digestive support concentrated formula in a base of organic apple cider vinegar that Nourishes, Balances, Alkalizes, Cleanses and Helps Reduce Cravings.

No Sugar 

No Alcohol

No Caffeine

No Fillers

Dawn Opitz  Slender Cider has made a huge difference for me. My cravings are completely gone! I am feeling better, I feel balanced and healthier. Slender Cider is the only change I've made so I know that's making everything better for me!.


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Rena Greenberg creator of slender Cider

Rena Greenberg Has Been Featured In
Over 70 TV News Stories

Feel Energized, Healthy, And At Your Ideal Weight

Back in 2009, Barbara visited my office for her 3rd hypnotherapy session that was scheduled as part of her weight loss hypnosis program. She told me about the fabulous changes that happened in her life after the hypnosis sessions and how the hypnosis literally was recoding her subconscious mind and changing her life …

And then she asked me if I could help her with any other recommendation for something that could help her in her weight loss journey as she was wanting to drop over 100 pounds (she did end up losing the weight in 12 months with no diet or exercise).

Right away I start searching and looking for something to help Barbara and my other clients to speed up their weight loss results and reduce cravings so they could feel energized in a healthy way, as they started dropping pounds…

After nights, months, and years of studying, researching...and testing, I went on to find an expert master herbalist--a true leader in his field.  I gave him the SECRET formula I had discovered to manufacture Slender Cider. I felt so excited and grateful when he told me how impressed  he was and confirmed for me that this formula I had created was indeed a prized discovery.

I tested it for myself to balance my blood sugar, lose weight, cut cravings and cleanse gently... and then I made it available as an exclusive option for my clients only...

Did it work...?

Wow, I can't tell you how amazing I felt after starting to drink Slender Cider, or how Barbara and over 100,000 other people told me they benefited after using Slender Cider (see videos below).

Slender Cider contains natural, organic ingredients to jumpstart your metabolism, speed up your body’s ability to burn fat, and flush out any toxins so that your body feels lighter, healthier, vibrant and stronger, quickly.

Slender Cider is going to help you to get the body you desire and deserve, and it will make your weight loss journey easier EVEN if :

  • You are struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise...
  • You are discouraged because your weight loss is going too slow or you feel trapped in the endless cycle of dieting...
  • You are stuck in the grips of food addiction or sugar and carb cravings...
  • Your health is not where you want it to be and you are in pain or aging too quickly...

Beyond What You Can Imagine...

Drinking Slender Cider Will Give You Energy, Vitality And Strength 

Slender Cider is unlike anything you've ever tried or experienced in your life before...it is the only product in the world with a proven formula to fast track your metabolism and eliminate toxins...

It's made by freshly brewing therapeutic herbs, just like a fresh cup of tea (using no processed powders or chemicals).

The nourishing and rejuvenating herbs are then mixed in a base of organic apple cider vinegar and combined with healing essential oils.

No doubt you’ve heard of the amazing health benefits of organic apple cider vinegar... Study after study has confirmed what my grandmother already knew—drinking raw apple cider vinegar, with the enzymes intact (not heated or pasteurized), has an amazing healing effect on the body.

And to supercharge organic apple cider vinegar so that the weight loss and health benefits are multiplied, I added 11 organic powerful and potent therapeutic, nutritious herbs to Slender Cider, along with healing essential oils, pure cherry and lemon concentrate and just a drop of pure, organic stevia.

After consulting with some of the most brilliant master herbalists in the world...

I Was Also Able to Make The Formula Taste So Great, With No Sugar. No Alcohol. No Caffeine. No Fillers.

Slender Cider will aid you in getting the body you desire and deserve, making it easier for you to succeed in your weight loss journey.

Slender Cider will help you by removing toxins from your body, alkalizing, restoring your health, energy and vitality...

Slender Cider was created to be your ideal weight loss partner to end food and sugar addiction and it tastes great too!

inside every Slender Cider bottle you'll find...

ginger root

Ginger Root (Zingiber officinale) is a warming gastrointestinal energizer aromatic plant that lightly invigorates the entire digestion process. It also minimizes gas, nausea, heartburn and inflammation in the gastric system.

turmeric root

Curcuma longa is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory herb from India that is an intestinal tonic that not only guards total health but also supports in recovery by igniting the defense system’s B and T cells. 

schisandra berry

(Schisandra chinensis) is a nutritious herb from China that has immune building properties. This herb also balances the functions the body performs and aids all organs, especially kidneys and skin.

lemon peel

Lemon Peel (Citrus X limon) is an admirable liver concoction that aids in re-establishing the pH buffering system of the stomach and invigorates the digestive process. Lemon Peel is high in citric acid and citric-bioflavonoids.

Chickweed Leaf

Chickweed Leaf (Stellaria media) is filled with key and trace minerals, including calcium and potassium. This leaf is used to minimize internal swelling and as a blood filter and gets rid of toxins and extra fluids.

Cassia Bark

Cassia Bark (Cinnamonum aromaticum) reinforces breakdown in the digestive system and stomach tissues. It also minimizes gastrointestinal gas, yeast and fungal inequities as well as aids heart tasks.

Cleavers Leaf

Cleavers Leaf (Galium aparine) is high in potassium and calcium, and lightly invigorates detoxifying diuretic action; a lymphatic disinfectant and blood filter that can aid with skin issues and release toxins from the body.

Fennel seed

Fennel is a gastrointestinal helper that stimulates the satiation reaction, which will restrain hunger. It aids in re-establishing digestive reliability during weight loss, and calms contractions in the digestive system...

Anise seed

Anise seed (Pimpenella anisum) increases assimilation, reduces inflammation, stomachache, indigestion, anxiety, breathing congestion, and is very soothing.

Stevia Leaf

Stevia rebaudiana aids in reducing high blood sugar. Though this leaf is sweeter than sugar, it is used by those with insulin difficulties and helps to provide a balancing of the blood sugar.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne is a powerful blood circulatory stimulant and is a rich source of potassium. It encourages blood flow and reinforces peripheral nerves, promotes sweating and improves digestion.

Cherry Concentrate

Cherry Concentrate (prynusspp) has potassium and potassium sulfate in it and is one of the top 3 liver cleansing pick-me-ups known.


Clove (Eugenia carophyllata Myrtaceae) helps to simplify gastric issues and has been identified to assist the stimulation of other herbs. Clove galvanizes and endorses a healthy digestion and metabolism.

Lemon Concentrate

Lemon Concentrate (citrus x limon) originates from a tree in Asia. Lemon Concentrate contains large amounts of Vitamin C. This is especially good for your body and your immune system.

Essential oil

Essential oil Blend with Orange, Lemon, Ginger: A specially designed hunger decreasing essential oil mixture that enhances the movements of the herbs and helps in mineral electrolyte subtleties within the body. This blend contains a relaxing effect on the stomach which will help you digest more easily.

Apple Cider

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is an intestinal assister that has a hunger curbing effect and winding action in the digestive tract that aids in the balance of the pH. It has influential remedial, purgative, antibiotic and antiseptic properties. It’s opulent in nutrients, enzymes, organic acids and potassium.

Additional Ingredients inside Green Slender Cider bottle 

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice concentrate is low in calories and full in nutrients. It supports healthy and clear skin which lowers one's risk for several skin conditions. By including this in a healthy and varied diet, this concentrate also helps with weight loss.

Spirulina Greens

As one of the earliest forms of life known to date, Spirulina is considered a "super-food." It includes vitamins B, C, and E, essential fatty acids, protein, and chlorophyll. Spirulina helps increase the concentration of nutrients in the body which in turn reduces hunger cravings.

Barley Grass greens

Barley greens contain a vast amount of minerals and vitamins including, but by no means limited to calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, and vitamins B1 and B11. It contains more calcium than cow's milk and has five times the iron of spinach.

wheatgrass Greens

Equivalent to five pounds of the best raw and organic vegetables you can find, WG has more vitamin A than carrots and more vitamin C than oranges. Containing an immense amount of protein, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, this is an excellent substitute for other proteins that carry a lot of calories.

herbal formula that only uses beneficial herbs in a 6:1 ratio.

Slender Cider is a powerful and effective weight loss and health promoting herbal formula that only uses organic, beneficial herbs in a 6:1 ratio. Slender Cider was created utilizing a multi-phase extraction process, drawing out the healing power of each of the herbs, so that you get the greatest benefits possible.

Green Slender Cider also has organic spirulina, organic barley grass and organic wheatgrass and pure grapefruit concentrate instead of cherry concentrate.

Slender Cider is concentrated, fresh-brewed like a cup of tea, using pure, organic and natural ingredients, manufactured in rural Oregon, in a non-GMO, certified Organic and GMP facility...

I'm Rena Greenberg, Hypnotherapist, Author, And The Founder Of Easywillpower...

Maybe you saw my story on CBS live or Good Morning America, or maybe you read about me in Women's World Magazine, the Detroit News, Miami New Times...

In fact, the success of my new weight loss system has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 165 newspaper and TV stories...

I also struggled with my weight and with my health, just like you...

My habits were so bad and my health was in such poor shape, that by the age of 26, I was literally facing death.

My heart was beating at only 30 beats per minute...

In fact, the Chief of Cardiology at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital told me that I had the heart of an 80-year-old...

I was only 26 years old when I had a permanent pacemaker implanted in my heart.

I was really sick and tired, I feel completely lost in life with no hope, no meaning of living, and I was unable to see a way out of my empty feelings.

When I get out of the hospital I decided to pick up myself, and I took a hard look at my entire life...

Finally, I decided to make some very important changes.

And I want the changes to be based on pure science, so I started investigating everything...

I began to study health, many areas of health...

I wanted to know how I could support my body, live my life at my healthiest weight, be free from carb addiction or any addiction, and give myself the best chance to thrive.

After months and years of researching and studying...

I finally figured out the master key to change the way you look and feel ...

Long story short..

I developed a Wellness Seminar program in the 1990s to share my unique method that ended up being reviewed and sponsored in over 75 hospitals. 

Over 100,000 people used my method, and the results have been amazing, I’ve been fortunate enough to help people achieve their ideal weight and transform their lives for the better with HYPNOSIS.

The success of my weight loss method has been featured on ABC-TV, FOX-TV, CBS-TV, NBC-TV, Women’s World Magazine, CNN, Good Morning America, PBS, Body & Soul Magazine, and over 100 newspaper and TV stories.

Rena Greenberg’s Wellness Program is Trusted By:

I'm so grateful that I was able to restore my own health and help others do the same over the last few decades . . .

Fast forward to today . . .  I'm offering you Slender Cider with a proven formula to fast track your metabolism and eliminate toxins so you can speed up your weight loss results and reduce cravings...

It’s a pure, energizing and alkalizing concentrate...

Slender Cider is a unique concentrated herbal formula. It's literally fresh brewed like a cup of tea, using pure organic and natural ingredients, manufactured in rural Oregon, in a non-GMO, certified Organic and GMP facility.

George Fowler told me "Drinking Slender Cider in the morning was like having 5 cups of coffee." (But so much healthier!!)

There are absolutely no stimulants in Slender Cider—just healing herbs...

Cathy, who lost 130 lb. with my program told me that " Slender Cider absolutely got rid of my cravings for salt and sugar!”

I created Slender Cider for myself

I created Slender Cider for myself to help balance my blood sugar, lose weight, cut cravings and cleanse gently...

How did it go?

I was so excited about how good I felt when I drank Slender Cider, that I went on to find an expert, distinguished, master herbalist to give my formula his blessing and manufacture Slender Cider.

Slender Cider is a pure, energizing and alkalizing healthy herbal concentrate...

Rhonda Harrison told me that Slender Cider not only gave her more energy, but she was completely able to stop drinking diet soda once she started sipping on Slender Cider.

That's so wonderful since Slender Cider is one of the healthiest herbal formulas to assist with weight loss and blood sugar balancing, on the planet.

Henry, who lost 45 lb. with my program, happily shared with me that Slender Cider helped him to quit drinking his 5 o'clock cocktail and stop reaching for those late night snacks.

Tamara said, "I love the taste of Slender Cider! It's so unique. I just mix two tablespoons in a glass of water and sip. It's completely taken away my cravings for fast food and junk food."

A Few Benefits Of Using Slender Cider

It contains fresh organic, high quality herbs that  energize, cleanse and alkalize, changing your taste so you prefer healthier foods, naturally.

Slender Cider will help you to eliminate deprivation by enjoying the healthy, water-rich foods that will satisfy and nourish you.

Slender Cider will help you to feed yourself healthfully and crave healthier foods—making it easier to be active, and easily lose weight.

Here are Few reasons why Slender cider is much better than apple cider vinegar...

Why is Slender Cider Much Better than Apple Cider Vinegar?

Raw apple Cider vinegar

Original Slender Cider

Green Slender Cider

contains no fillers alcohol stimulants caffeine

contains Raw, organic apple cider vinegar, with the mother

tastes great with no added sweeteners

contains 11 beneficial & therapeutic organic herbs

sip all day long easily for blood sugar balancing benefits

contains healing essential oil blend with hunger curbing elements & components to enhance digestion

fresh, steeped herbal (roots & leaves) concentrate extract With appetite suppressing, balancing & energizing properties

contains organic spirulina, wheatgrass & barley grass for cleansing, alkalizing, nourishing & energizing

contains healing, pure cherry & lemon concentrate

contains therapeutic & cleansing pure grapefruit & lemon concentrate

Slender Cider can work for anyone...

Natural Formula 


No Stimulants 

Greater Energy

 Plant Ingredients 

Non Habit Forming

Increases Stamina & Vitality

Easy To Use

No Sugar 

No Alcohol

No Caffeine

No Fillers

What Does Slender Cider Do?

  • Greater Energy
  • Feel Mentally Sharper
  • Increases Stamina & Vitality
  • Makes Weight Loss Easier
  • Better Digestion
  • Improved Wellbeing
  • Cuts Cravings for Sweets & Carbs
  • Reduces Stress
  • Eliminates Toxins
  • Improved Immune System
  • Alkalizes the Body
  • Decreases Inflammation & Leaky Gut

Hear what people are saying about Slender Cider...and how it helped them in their weight loss journey...

Anna. A

I feel satisfied with smaller portions

“I feel calmer and more at peace when I take Slender Cider. I love that I have more energy. My appetite is curbed and I feel satisfied with smaller portions. I like the taste – it’s sweet with a calming effect. I would definitely recommend Slender Cider to others.”

Sally. O

 I’m Not Craving Sweets Like I Usually Do

“I am so amazed at how I well I am sleeping since I started taking Slender Cider. I had been focusing on the energy benefits but I’m noticing how well I am falling and staying asleep. Also my mood, blood sugar and energy feel more balanced and I’m more focused. I’m not craving sweets like I usually do.”

Dr. Kim Walters

Pleasant To Drink

“Slender Cider gave me energy and stamina. I find it delightful and pleasant to drink!”

Julie Gage

I Love Slender Cider

" I ran out of Slender Cider for 3 days and I'm not doing that again! I absolutely need it to reduce cravings...without Slender Cider I feel out of control. It calms me and takes away the edge. I love Slender Cider."

Rena Helped Over 200,000 People Change Their Lives  In 165+ News Stories 

4.8 Based On 1790 Reviews

What makes my herbal remedies stand out from the rest?

If you're in need of a natural boost, you might want to consider trying Slender Cider, an Herbal Elixir that can give you the health edge you seek.

My satisfied customers can't stop raving about how Slender Cider helped them shed unwanted pounds by reducing or eliminating cravings (see videos below).

If you prefer to understand the science behind my products, here's some insight into what makes my herbal formulas so powerful.

I follow a meticulous 5-step herbal extraction method in the production of Green Slender Cider and Slender Cider.

This process involves Maceration, Saturation, Circulation, Percolation, and Concentration/Reduction, utilizing low heat to ensure optimal results.

The Key Factors to Herbal Product Effectiveness...

My research has shown that the effectiveness of a therapeutic herbal product lies in two crucial factors: herbal function and formula concentration.

Unlike some other extraction methods that may compromise the herbal formula's efficacy, my proprietary process preserves the essential oils present in the plants, which not only enhance the senses but also initiate the healing process.

the integral role liquid concentrates play in the efficacy of Slender Cider

Liquid concentrates are an integral part of Slender Cider's effectiveness.

Our proprietary multi-phase processing and temperature control allow us to maximize the herbal function in our formulas, resulting in a potent herbal liquid concentrate with increased extractable solids.

The 6:1 concentration strength we use ensures a rich and nourishing essence in our formulas.

Undiluted Strength: The Essence of my Herbal Formula

What sets Slender Cider apart is that my herbal formula is never diluted, ensuring you get the full strength and maximum medicinal benefits from each therapeutic herb in the blend.

To begin the process, we utilize 6 pounds of herb to produce one gallon of liquid, resulting in a highly concentrated solution.

Unlike many Chinese herbal formulas that use a 5:1 extraction ratio, starting with 5 pounds of herbs... 

My approach allows for maximum potency.

During the extraction, herbs naturally absorb liquid, leading to a reduction in the final yield.

While some manufacturers compensate for this loss by adding more liquid, I take a different approach.

A Unique Approach to Herbal Extraction

If any liquid is lost during the extraction, which is common, we don't simply add more liquid to the herbal concentrate.

Instead, we go back to square one, again using 6 pounds of fresh herb in one gallon liquid, to make up for the difference .

This meticulous process contributes to our stronger yield, typically around 6.5:1, ensuring the utmost effectiveness of our herbal product.

The Perfect Blend: Essential Oils and Organic Ingredients

To complement the powerful herbal formula, I've added a proprietary healing essential oil blend, including therapeutic ginger, orange and lemon, along with Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Organic Cherry Concentrate.

Both Green Slender Cider and Slender Cider benefit from the alkalizing properties of organic apple cider vinegar. 

Slender Cider also includes pure cherry and lemon concentrates, while Green Slender Cider is fortified with lemon and grapefruit concentrate, alongside organic greens like spirulina, wheatgrass, and barley grass.

high-quality production and certifications

Rest assured, my Slender Cider products are produced in a state-of-the-art facility in rural Oregon, where the herbs are freshly grown, meeting local & state licenses, FDA registration, and USDA organic and GMP certification.

I understand the importance of having complete confidence in the herbs you consume to feel balanced, energized, and healthy...

That's why we offer high-quality herbal supplements at great prices.

Slender Cider: Your Path to Balanced Health

if you're looking for a natural way to combat fatigue and revitalize your body, Slender Cider's unique herbal formula, potent liquid concentrates, and meticulous manufacturing process make it a compelling choice for boosting your health and well-being.

Real Slender Cider Users...Real Life-Changing Results

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60 day Guarantee

Risk free

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing product, or you didn't get the results you need, you can get a full refund anytime within 60 days after your purchase. 

Just get in touch with our friendly support team and we'll give you a swift refund NO questions asked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Slender Cider Right For Me?

Do you want to speed up your weight loss, healthfully? Do you want to stay balanced and energized, while putting only healthy ingredients in to your body? Do you have deep stubborn fat stores that no diet or exercise seems to remove?

Then the answer is YES Slender Cider is right for you. Slender Cider has changed the lives of thousands of women and men. It’s designed to reduce cravings and rapidly dissolve excess body fat while increasing overall health and energy.

Is Slender Cider Safe?

If you are over 40 years old or carry excess weight, I recommend you take Slender Cider for at least 6 to 12 months. This will give it enough time to work throughout your entire body to normalize your brown fat levels and balance your blood sugar.

 Reach your desired weight and lock it in for years to come (Slender Cider is a wonderful adjunct to my program to retrain your subconscious mind for a complete mind-body approach to optimal health).

Make the smart decision and get the heavily discounted 6 bottle package and get the bonuses along with free shipping as well.

Is This A One-Time Payment?

YES, your order is a one-time payment with no auto-shipping. There are no subscriptions or hidden charges.

What If Slender Cider Doesn't Work Or I Don't Like It?

Every single bottle of Slender Cider comes with our personal 60-day 100% money back guarantee.  if for any reason you're not satisfied with your results (which rarely happens), just return the bottles for a full, no questions asked refund.

How Do I Order My Slender Cider?

Click on one of the packages below and enter your order details on our secure checkout page. After you've finished we'll get your Slender Cider shipped out to you straight away.

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