“I can’t stand that I’m throwing my money away on cigarettes. The smell is awful and embarrassing! But I just can’t quit,” Frannie lamented to me.
Frannie had tried everything to quit on her own—from pills to patches to gum to white-knuckling it—but, under stress, she always found herself racing back to her familiar comfort—cigarettes.
By the time she came to me for hypnosis to quit smoking, she was sick and tired of being addicted to what her sister called, “cancer sticks.”
And yet, as intelligent as Frannie is—a successful and well-sought-after financial advisor—she could not seem to make progress with breaking that nasty habit.
If you relate to Frannie’s dilemma, Let's start with the 4 things you can do today to kick the habit for good and set yourself free.
in order to quit smoking you have to Realize How Your Subconscious Mind Works...
Subconsciously, you and I are always moving towards pleasure and away from pain. We can’t change that. It’s the way the brain is wired.
The good news is that we can change what we associate pain with and where we perceive pleasure.
In other words, as a smoker, you associate cigarettes with pleasure, freedom, and relaxation.
But that’s not the truth.
In reality, cigarettes don’t bring you pleasure. They cause you pain, either physically with shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue and compromised health and/or psychologically with guilt and shame.
Cigarettes do not give you the perceived freedom they promise you. Rather, they put you in a prison.
And though you may associate your cigarettes with relaxation, physiologically they are doing the opposite of relaxing you—causing your heart to beat faster, your blood vessels to constrict, and creating tension in your body.
Begin to associate the cigarettes with the pain they actually cause, rather than the illusion of pleasure that you are seeking, subconsciously.
Write down the reasons you want to Quit Smoking
You and I never do anything without a motive. Why do you go to work?
To contribute, help others, be intellectually stimulated, engage in social interaction and/or to collect a paycheck.
Your reasons are important because they motivate you to do what you consciously want to do.
Writing down the reasons you are determined to Quit Smoking will impress those reasons on your subconscious mind and make it easier for you to naturally feel driven to take actions that reinforce your new self-image, as a permanent nonsmoker.

Quit Smoking NOW
Be as specific as possible.
Rather than just writing down, “My health,” include details that your subconscious mind can immediately relate to e.g.
“I don’t want to end up like Aunt Judy, having to drag around oxygen or like Dad with a heart attack at age 54.”
Thinking of why you’re determined to Quit Smoking rather than what you are afraid of will make it easier to move in a new, positive direction.
Run Mental Movies that Support Your Quit Smoking Goal
Your subconscious mind thinks in pictures. To succeed in creating a new self-image as a permanent non-smoker, begin to create and repeat mental movies of you as the hero or heroine, as a permanent non-smoker.
See yourself confident in all situations, especially the ones where you used to “need” to smoke as a crutch.
If you’re someone who wakes up in the morning and fumbles for that first cigarette of the day while pouring your coffee, create a new scenario for yourself...
In your mind. Imagine yourself bolting out of bed, energized and happy, looking forward to the day, smelling and feeling clean and confident as a permanent non-smoker.
Imagine yourself breathing easily and fully, moving your body—and feeling younger and healthier than you have in a long time.
Picture yourself acing that presentation and feeling like a winner because you are now a permanent non-smoker.
Visualize your love life ramping up because your confidence is now at an all-time high, as a non-smoker.
Your mental movies are creating your life story so be conscious and aware of them and adjust your thoughts to achieve the results you want.
Change your Behaviors...
Create a new routine. Put a glass of water, with Slender Cider, next to your bed, so you can drink it down first thing in the morning for healthy cleansing, alkalizing, and energizing.
Set your alarm twenty minutes early and go for a brisk walk or run outside... Bundle up if it’s cold out, or do 50 jumping-jacks in the house.
Every hour, stop what you are doing and take 3 deep breaths.
Deep abdominal breathing is a wonderful way to relax yourself and dissolve physical and mental tension.
Studies show that it takes about 30 days to make or break a habit... and your subconscious mind is like a computer that runs on programming.
By realizing how your subconscious mind works, you are going with the flow, instead of against it.
Associate pain with the cigarettes, not pleasure, for long-term success.
To do this,
Write down the reasons you are determined to Quit Smoking and no longer be controlled by that nasty habit and make sure all your mental movies and Inner dialogue support your conscious decision to live your life as a non-smoker. Finally shift your routines to create new, positive habits.
How Hypnosis can help you to Quit Smoking
According to recent reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 34 million people in the United States smoke cigarettes, with more than 74% smoking them every day.
Smoking and tobacco usage have become major causes of death and disease, and cost the country more than $300 billion a year in medical care and lost productivity.
Smoking and nicotine addiction are actually categorized as medical conditions.
Not to mention that the habit causes major issues such as bad breath, bad smell on your skin and on your clothes, stained teeth, lower athletic ability, reduced lung capacity, and increased risk of major diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
Most smokers are aware of these risks and try to quit the habit using nicotine patches and nicotine chewing gum.

But one of the most effective ways to quit smoking is through hypnotherapy.
Quitting smoking can require a lot of effort for some. There are many triggers that can cause a relapse.
Hypnotherapy harnesses the power of the subconscious mind to strengthen a person’s willpower to resist those urges.
While hypnotherapy is quite effective in changing the unhealthy behaviors and patterns that are associated with smoking habits, there are some key considerations to keep in mind to ensure the success of the therapy:
The Decision Must Be Yours...
The biggest barrier when someone’s trying to stop smoking is the person’s thinking pattern and routines.
When choosing hypnotherapy to help you quit smoking, it is vital that you have made the decision for yourself, not simply because of external influence.
If you have decided for yourself to live a healthier life and become a non-smoker, your subconscious is more likely to accept the suggestions placed during the hypnotherapy sessions.
Every person’s mind and thought patterns are different. For some people, a single session of hypnotherapy can be enough to allow them to quit smoking.
I have helped many people to quit smoking after just one session!
However, in some cases, an individual might need to complete follow-up sessions to help them take control of the addiction more permanently. Either way is OK--the goal is simply to become smoke-free and feel great about your accomplishment.
You May Still Experience The Physical Symptoms Of Withdrawal...
A common misconception when it comes to hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is that people think it will help them eliminate the physical symptoms of withdrawal.
It is true that hypnosis does make the withdrawal process much more gentle and tolerable than it often is otherwise.
In reality, the body’s reaction to nicotine withdrawal is experienced by some people when they Quit Smoking.
A person who has Quit Smoking may or may not face issues such as irritability, nausea, aches and pains, mental sluggishness, and more as their body adjusts to the lack of nicotine.
The good news is that hypnotherapy makes it much easier for the individual to deal with the physical symptoms of withdrawal.
By placing suggestions in the subconscious mind, the hypnotherapist strengthens the willpower of the person and helps them cope with the symptoms and triggers without the need to give in to the addiction!
The other thing a lot of people don’t realize is that it only takes 3-5 days for the nicotine to leave your bloodstream – no matter how long you’ve been smoking!
Anyone can get through just three to five days of discomfort – just imagine you had the flu or a cold. Pamper yourself and keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.
You’ve got this!
Hypnosis has been recognized for its many medical benefits, in the last few decades.
Hypnosis programs seek to rewire the brain... Hypnosis sessions build negative associations with smoking and encourage you to make healthier choices in your life to enhance your well-being.
While other Quit Smoking methods rely on willpower and determination, hypnosis can make it an almost involuntary task by reprogramming your thinking patterns so your mind no longer considers smoking an option.
Self-hypnosis and hypnosis can convince you by focusing on the power of the heart, mind, and spirit.
It will take you on a journey of self-discovery, and you won’t regret it.
I’ve seen smokers who had been addicted for 40-50 years, sometimes 4-5 packs a day quit.
If they can do it, you can too!
Congratulations on your decision to live your life healthy, and free, as a permanent non-smoker.
if you need help check out my Quit smoking program or, Feel free to reach out