Does it sometimes feel as if there are only two choices when it comes to your weight—either dieting or out of control eating?

Do you ever find yourself stuffing food in your mouth with no regard for physical hunger, satiation or the effect the food will have on your mind, emotions and body?

If so, can you imagine the possibility of never dieting again but instead having a healthy relationship with food and loving your body at the same time?

Have you ever considered what your life could be like if you ate mindfully, with awareness, tasting and actually enjoying every bite of food, instead of feeling guilty as you eat?

Here’s one simple way to get started . . . Before you put food in your mouth, ask yourself, “How will this food make me feel?” Not just in 10 minutes or 1 hour, but tomorrow and one week from now.

Inquire within, “Will eating this food satisfy my physical hunger and nourish me or will it perpetuate physical cravings and emotional guilt and stress as my journey of life continues?”

Every action you take is the precursor to your subsequent feelings and reactions. The way you feel today is a direct result of your thoughts, words and actions of yesterday.

Consider how much happier you could be if you let your choices today reflect the kind of tomorrow you want. If you are suffering today, don’t beat yourself up. Rather, recall your choices of yesterday and the results they brought. Based on that information, make a new decision now as you commit to building a happier tomorrow.

When you stop to think that the cells of your body are being recreated and rejuvenated all the time, realize the incredible opportunity you have to discard your old ways of being that no longer work for you and embrace something new and positive.

Einstein said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Why is change often so difficult? Because subconsciously you are comfortable with your old way of being even when the old ways make no sense and bring you great suffering. The good news is that the subconscious mind is like a computer and can easily be re-programmed.

The first step to moving in a new and better direction is making the decision that you are worth it—that change is possible for you and now is the time to claim that for yourself.

Before you can change your behaviors, you have got to change your thoughts about yourself and your worthiness. Do you take better care of your pets or your loved ones than yourself?

It is through making better choices in all areas of your life that you will achieve greater levels of happiness and it’s through wrong or harmful action (including inaction) that greater levels of mental discomfort are increased and so the cycle perpetuates.

The key to making better choices is activating some momentum in a new direction. We tend to repeat the same behaviors, even the same words and phrases, on a daily basis. Through re-programming your computer mind with daily self-hypnosis you can set yourself on a new course of action.

When it comes to achieving permanent weight loss the secret is to break the old cycle of how you think about yourself and food.

Start with increasing your awareness. Listen to inner voices that cause you to sabotage yourself. This internal conversation may sound like, “This is going to be hard,” or “I don’t have the time for healthy eating.”

Notice any assumptions you have that you’ll feel deprived or denied when you begin to take better care of yourself.

The truth is that you don’t have to be deprived at all. Begin to give yourself positive suggestions, such as, “I am feeling better, healthier and stronger every day. I enjoy everything I’m eating” and “I eat only when I am physically hungry and I feel great.”

Instead of telling yourself that you “can’t” or “shouldn’t” eat certain foods, remind yourself that you actually don’t even want them. When you look at a food, ask yourself, “Do I really want this food?” “What am I actually needing?”

Take a look at the ingredient list of most processed foods and beverages and ask yourself, “Do I want or need this in my body? What effect will these chemicals, fat, sugar and sugar substitutes have on my body, mind and emotions?”

Your body is not a trash can. If you are like most people, your deepest heart’s longing is to feel loved, safe and free. Freedom, contrary to the old limiting belief, is not eating whatever you want, whenever you want. That lifestyle actually leads to self-imposed imprisonment.

Freedom is eating to live and never, ever living to eat. Freedom is eating consciously, with awareness only when you are physically hungry.

Freedom is being aware of the different levels of your consciousness and choosing to see yourself and your choices from a new vantage point. Freedom is realizing that the past doesn’t equal the future.

Freedom is having the courage to take your life into your hands and say, “I deserve something better and I am going for it!”

You have everything you need inside of you. For every apparent obstacle there is a solution within your self. The key to finding a deeper truth about the greater possibilities for your life, health and happiness is to take the time to open to your deepest wisdom in your heart, soul and subconscious mind.

Commit to daily repetition of connecting to your deepest self and putting healthy ideas into your subconscious, no matter what your emotional state in the moment may be.

Begin with a deep breath all the way in to the center of your chest and down into your belly. Gently, lovingly, remind yourself, “All my needs are being met. I have everything I need. I deserve to be happy.”

Get Addicted to Health, Not Food

Food addiction is often the biggest cause of unhealthy weight gain. Rena Greenberg, in her blog, unravels the secret of containing unnecessary carb cravings that most people fall prey to. Get a clearer picture of how to get rid of food addiction with tips and techniques from the expert!

Isn’t it time to lose weight permanently with self-hypnosis? Take advantage of this special offer of two of Rena Greenberg’s successful at home weight loss programs for the price of one: WEIGHT LOSS BUNDLE SALE