People face problems, whether at work, home, in their relationships, etc.

These problems increase stress, which is an adverse reaction to the problems being faced. Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress and problems. However,the majority of people turn to emotional eating during this time.

There Is Truth behind the Phrase ‘Stress Eating’

The American Psychological Association has linked weight gain to stress in one survey. According to their researchers, about one-fourth of Americans have stress rated 8 or more on a 10 point scale. These people have one thing in common: They are way past their normal weight level and they indulge in comfort eating.

Yes, stress, at first, can cause the sufferer to suddenly have no or less of an appetite; yet chronic or long-term stress actually increases hunger. How does this work? Let’s find out:

The Fight or Flight Response

We automatically begin eating more when feeling a lot of pressure–more (or even a certain level) than we can handle. This happens because of our survival response to stressful situations, i.e. flight or fight. According to Pamela Peeke, MD and an assistant professor of medicine at University of Maryland, our body tries to replenish ‘lost’ calories as a result of dealing with stress.

Cortisol and Comfort Foods

The stress hormone, cortisol rises dramatically during tension filled times. Increased levels of cortisol also increase insulin levels, meaning our blood sugar level drops and we crave sugary, fatty foods to bring back the balance.

This is why you are more likely to eat carbohydrates-heavy macaroni and cheese rather than a plain salad or banana. This is also why such foods are called comfort foods.

Diaphragmatic Breathing–An Excellent Way to Reduce High Stress Levels

People who do yoga must know how deep breathing helps in increasing a sense of peace and relaxation. Diaphragmatic or deep breathing can reduce high levels of stress in MINUTES!

Below is an exercise people can follow when overwhelmed with stress. The abdominal or deep breathing exercise can also be practiced daily!

What You Can Do

Take a deep breath in, pushing tummy out and holding for five seconds. Exhale slowly then pull your tummy in, holding for five seconds. You will feel the difference in just two inhales and exhales!

To make a habit of following this exercise (and to ensure maximum results), repeat this exercise 10 times a day. This 20 second relaxation technique works equally well as an appetite reducer.

Stress is harmful for not just our mental health, but physical as well. The above relaxation technique, following a healthy and well-balanced diet and self hypnosis, can lead you to a stress-free life. Order Rena Greenberg’s enlightening at-home self-hypnosis system today.